Monday, April 28, 2008


So, it is rather late for me to be up, but I felt very guilty for not posting in so long, so, I shall post. I will post about something my dear father said. Ahem. He said "AHH!! Me-ma!".
We must look into the many possible meanings of this one, intricate sentence. He was obviously distressed, but I think the AHH explains that fairly well. Now for the me-ma......I believe it stems from an ancient prejudice towards penguins, or perhaps he dropped his lollipop in a rain gutter as a child, or, dare I say it, he squished a gecko and feels very guilty about it. Yes, understanding runs very deep in my family. Keek!

Katie(Atta, The local Peach)

Sunday, April 20, 2008


I love to "ish" words, don't you? Like take yellow for example, what do you call something that's not really yellow? Well, you take my good friend, "-ish" and stick him on the end...then...viola! It's yellow-ish. Three cheers for "ish"! Hip, Hip, Hooray-ish! Hip, Hip, Hooray-ish! Hip, Hip, Hooray-ish! I don't really have much else to say. Ish. So, um Goodbye-ish.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Did you know that there is an omen in moments?!?! Yes, every moment there is an omen!! I wonder if it's bad or good...tell me what you think.

Everyone is some one's sunny side. Keek out!
Tie (Katie's evil twin the short poster)

I'm Feeling Lucky......

I feel very lucky tonight. Wanna play checkers?
.... nice, a checkerboard =). Ok, so the true test of luckiness is to make a post and to see where it goes. If it turns out good, I really am lucky, if it's bad I'm not. I should call my grandpa Lucky! Seriously, that's what he's called! I should also search on Google using the I'm feeling lucky button....ooooooohhh...seriously though, how many of us have just used that button to see what it's all about and not actually felt lucky? Hmmm? Fess up, I know you have. did any of you notice that my smiley has a mole, or a beauty mark? Actually it's just a period! Hahahaha! Gotcha!Sweetness, I'm off to the hospital h actually, I'm not! I fooled you again!!

Everyone is some one else's sunny side! Keek out!Keek Out! Oh yeah
Katie, Atta,Whatever


I am lazy. Yes that's me. You see I don't post very often as you've noticed if you ever read my blog. But today is different. I am going to post. As you see by my posting. Ah yes, causality loops. Cool huh? Yup.
Have you ever seen a creme brullee tree? I bet in the Garden of Eden that they had pudding trees. Have you ever wondered why broccoli(a God made food) doesn't taste as good as ice cream, or cake, or pudding(all man-made)? I'll bet it's because of the fall. I wish carrots tasted good...too bad they taste like.......well, um, like carrots. So. A poem:

I don't think I'll ever see,
a something as green as a Palo Verde.
Their leaves are green,
As you've seen,
I wonder do they have a green spleen?
Their bark is green,
Their roots have green sheen,
Their green-ness does make quite a scene.
My eyesight is very keen,
Now, what a pleasant poem it's been.

I'm green today. Very green, yesssssss.....I'm even wearing green. Green. How many things rhyme with green? Spleen, sheen, scene, been(if you say it funny), bean, keen. There's probably more. So anyways,

Everyone is some one's sunny side, Keek out!
Katie=] (Atta)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

What is a Pimpernel?

Do any of you know what a pimpernel is? I came across it in one of my e-mails. To be precise, I came across a Scarlet pimpernel. Yessiree, it seems like something docter Suess would write about. Or mabye louis Carrol. So, if you can tell me what it is, you get points*, and, if you don't use a dictionary, you get............yes.......BONUS POINTS*!!!!! Whoopee!! Well, I hope one of you can help me out,
Everyone is someone else's sunny side!

*points and bonus points are perks of They can be redeemed at anytime to rig a pole or contest. Proof of earned points is required.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

keek, tookie, puck.

So, for April fool's day, I shall try to make everyone laugh by these redundant things people in my family, or my friends have said:

"Wow! the sky is blue!"
"He's really funny, I spent a week with him one day."
"Yuck! This ketchup tastes like tomatoes!"
"You're just a dumb dummy head!"
"If we're late because of me, it's not my fault."
"Just know, a few weeks ago..."
"You're just, just a puck!"
"If you want to be a tookie, then you tookie, tookie, tookie, and you eat a fuzzy piece of watermelon!"

Well, I hope I made you laugh, or at least smile. Smiling is very good for your health. Yeah, well,

Everyone is someone else's sunny side! Keek out!
Katie(Atta =])